My name is Gabriela Basin and my work is fun and versatile, so it can be used in many different fields, from products to long campaigns, murals, books or press. I always approach my commissions by looking for an idea and transforming it into an image with powerful concepts and fun colors. Besides my illustration and art direction work, I teach workshops and give mentorship to other creatives.
As a very passionate and committed human, I like working on subjects that speak to me, such as gender equality or climate change, hopefully they speak to you too!.
I was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina and I’m based in Barcelona, Spain. I count on a very large formation among 3 degrees and with a results-driven mindset I work on my own and have 10 years of experience managing projects from beginning to end in a wide variety of industries every day.
If you have any proposal or suggestions, do not hesitate to contact me: at gabrielabasin@gmail.com
Awards and Art Residencies
- Residence at Addend – 2022
- Santander Explorer Program – 2022
- Residence at Argentera with La secció de art – 2021
- Arte Único – Branca / FINALIST – 2019
Finalist poster among more than 3000 works, curated by Argentinian design eminencies: Enrique Longinotti, Martín Ron, Hernán Berdichevsky, Juliana Pedemonte and Laura Varsky. - Winner of Special Illustration Mention in the “Worthy Work” contest of the company Fie Gran Poder. – 2016
- Winner of the painting contest of the Isenberg association – 2012
- Prize and Special mention in painting at the New School of Design and Communication – 2011
- Illustration for Mirades del Mon exposed at Espai Jove Kesse, Spain, 2023
- La mar – Asociacion de ilustradores de Tarragona, Spain 2022.
- Hostias como panes – Cerap, Spain, 2021.
- Solo exhibition at La Vieja Guarida, Buenos Aires 2014
- Solo exhibition at Pollock Gallery, Buenos Aires 2013
- Collective exhibition at Vuela el Pez Cultural Center, Buenos Aires2013
- Shared exhibition at the SIranush Theater, Buenos Aires 2013
- Solo exhibition at the Latin American Cultural Center, Buenos Aires 2012
- Collective exhibition in Konex cultural city during the arts festival. Buenos Aires 2012
- Collective exhibition Global Art Group at the Faculty of Law, Buenos Aires 2012
- Collective exhibition at the Quetzal Cultural Center and Casa Azul, Buenos Aires 2012
Profesional Diplomas
- Specialist in Communicational Design (Universidad de Buenos Aires, UBA)
- Graphic Designer (Universidad de Buenos Aires, UBA)
- Superior Technician in Fine Arts (Nueva Escuela de Diseño y Comunicación)
- Creative Coach (Laboratorio Gaiki)
Clients selection
Fine Acts
The Greats
AIT – Asociación of illustration ot Tarragona
Tarragona City Council
Buenos Aires City Council
Daisie App
Cowap IPA
- Mural in Torreforta, Tarragona, Spain, 2023
- Mural for Oficina de Juventud de Tarragona- Spain 2021
- Mural for Displays, Asociacion de ilustradores de Tarragona, Spain 2021
- Mural for music band, Tarragona, Spain 2021
- Mural for 8M Tarragona, Passeig de les palmeres, Spain 2020
- Mural for Hospital de Clínicas Buenos aires, 2016
- Mural for IREP Buenos aires, 2015
- Mural for Hospital Gutierrez Buenos aires, 2013
- Mural for Hospital Rivadavia Buenos aires, 2013
- Mural for Feria del Libro street, Buenos aires, 2013
Books and publications
- Illustration published in “Mirades del Mon”, 2023
- 50 page investigation research on Gender, Rhetorics and illustration, 2020.
- Illustration published in book “Flamantes”, Madrid, 2018.
- Illustration published in the magazine Tendé, 2015
- Mural published in the book “The windows of Buenos Aires”, Exposed at the Malba museum, Bs.As, 2013.
- Participation in the book fair and illustrators of Vicente Lopez, Buenos Aires -2014